
Form feature that allows users to create forms as needed. In addition, users can fill out forms and send their data back to you via the app.


Feature Activation Stage

  1. Go to step 3 Content on engine.compro.id, then select Form and click Add This Features.

  2. Select Icon, Fill in the Title and select the List according to your need to display the Menu Form in your application.

  3. To fill in the content on the form, click Manage Content.

  4. Clik Add Data.

  5. Fill in the content as needed.


  1. Title: This column is filled with the form's title you want to display.

  2. Choose Image: Click the button to change the image displayed for the form to be created.

  3. Content: This field is filled with a description of the form you will create.

  4. Send Email Enabled: If this feature is activated, the user will receive an email after submitting it on the form page. Then click Save.

  • Stages of Use in Applications

  1. Fill in the form data, then click the SUBMIT FORM button.

  2. The user will receive an email from the Form Data that has been filled in the application.

  1. Reply to User Enabled: If activated, the application owner can answer the response from the user.

*Note: After activation, the History feature will appear on the Form Menu (In the Application).

and the Reply To User feature will appear in the User Responses (On the Engine).

  • Use of the 'Reply To User' Feature

  1. Click ‘Reply To User’ to send message to user.

  1. Reply Message will be Sent via Email and Application

  • Display Reply Via Email

  • Display Reply Via Application

  1. Field Name: This column is filled with the name Action Button if you want to add an Action Button.

  2. Type: This column contains a variant of the type used for the column to be entered in the form.

  • The variants of this type are as follows:

  • Text: The user can fill the field in text or description format on the form.

  • Email: user can fill the field at the form in email format.

  • Number: user can fill the field at the form in number format.

  • Textarea: user can fill the field at the form in paragraph format.

  • Date: user can fill the field at the form in date format with the provisions of 2 digits month / 2 digits date / 4 digits year (mm/dd/yyyy).

  • Time: The user can fill the field at the form in time format with the provisions of hours: minutes and time units in PM / AM.

  • Rating: The user can fill the form in format, giving a 1 to 5 stars rating.

  • Radio: Users can fill the field at the form in format select several options displayed in a small circle that users can select according to the options provided.

  • Checkbox: user can fill the field at the form in format tick some of the options provided.

  • Drop Down: Users can choose the options provided by the application owner.

  • Image: The user can fill the field in upload images format into the form.

  • Location: user can specify a location on the form. To use the variant type 'Location,' you need to have an API key first. Steps to get API Key, click here.

  • Phone Number: The user can fill the form in phone number format.

  • Search Selectable: The user can fill the form in options format.

  1. Required: This option is optional, which means that later the user is required to fill in this field or not. If it's mandatory, your application will have an asterisk which the user must fill in to proceed to the next stage.

  2. Order: This column serves to sort the column that you want to display in which order based on a numerical sequence number.

  3. Add: Press this button if you are finished entering the form you need.

  4. Submit:  Press this button. After all, it is done to display in the app.

App Display

Display Variant Type in Applications

  • Text

  • Email

  • Number

  • Textarea

  • Date

  • Time

  • Rating

  • Radio

  • Checkbox

  • Drop Down

  • Image

  • Location

  • Phone Number

  • Search Selectable