ENG Invite Google Developer


If you publish the application using your google developer account, you need to invite first so that the Compro team can publish using the developer's Google account.

How to Invite Google Play Developer Account Step by Step

  1. Log in to your developer console by clicking on this link.


  1. Select Users and Permissions

  1. Click Invite New User

  1. Type e-mail indonesia.compro@gmail.com

  1. In Access Expiry, no need to check.

  1. In the Permissions section, select Account Permissions, then click Admin
    (all permissions)

  1. Click Invite User button.

  2. After that you can re-invite to email: developer.compro@gmail.com by repeating the steps above.

  3. Click Invite New User button.

  4. Type e-mail developer.compro@gmail.com

  1. In Access Expiry, no need to check.

  1. In the Permissions section, select Account Permissions, then click Admin (all permissions). 

  1. Click Invite User button.