The Profile is a feature to display the name, logo, or photo of the company and a brief history of the company.
Login to your engine and click the Add New Feature menu in Step 3 (Content).
Select the Contact menu, click Add This Feature, and click the Add This Feature button.
Next, specify the List and Detail views you want to use, as shown in the image below. Click the Change Layout button to change it.
If the List function is disabled, you can only enter 1 page of profile details. However, if the List function is enabled, you can add as many other profiles as you want.After selecting the display you want to use for the menu, please name for the feature.
To change the icon for the menu, please click the empty box on the left. Then the empty box will display a selection of icons from the system. If you have the icon you want, click the Select Icon button.If you feel that everything is complete, please click the checkmark to add the feature.
To enter data (content) for the newly added feature, please click the App Management button on the same page (Step 3). Then automatically, you will be redirected to a new page to enter content.
Select the added menu. Then select the Manage Content menu.
Click the Add Data button to enter data on the menu.
Complete all the requested information and click the Submit button to save the data.
Description:Title: Fill with the title of the content.
Profile Image: Fill with the company logo
Profile Name: Fill in with a company name.
Content: Fill with company history. You can also add links, images, videos like the example below.
Action Button Name: Fill it if you want to add a button connecting to other parts of the menu. At this stage, enter the name you want to appear on the button.
Target Menu: Fill with the target menu addressed when pressing the Action Button.
Add Action Button: A button will appear in the Content column when clicked.