ENG Shipper Delivery Estimation


This page explains how to activate the delivery feature to apply in the application. Hence, on the payment confirmation page, the customer could decide which one of the expedition services will be used by the supplier. In addition, the amount of money will be added automatically with the cost estimation that exists.  


  1. Available only on Advanced dan Professional type

  2. Activate Login Enabled, Shopping Enabled, and Delivery Estimation feature.


  1. Access engine.compro.id page

  2. Entering the 3rd step

  3. Activate Shipper Delivery Estimation

  1. Click Save Additional Feature

  1. Afterwards, enter Customize Delivery Estimation, select Domestic

  1. On the origin option, fill in the delivery address.

  1. Next, select delivery expedition will be used. 

  1. Click save to keep the setting as well. 


If the feature is activated, the page display of the Shopping Cart will look like the image below. The delivery cost will calculate automatically.

  1. On select delivery, select Domestic

  1. Next, choose the delivery expedition will be used. 

  1. After that, the delivery cost and  delivery time estimation will appear.